And Now a Word from Our Sponsors

Farkitrol® for Missing White Girl Syndrome
Farkitrol® for Beach Depression / Shark Mania (BDSM)
Farkitrol® for Dangerous Playgrounditis (DP)
Farkitrol® for Mediastatial Germaphobia

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It's been a rough week. I stopped taking Zyprexa a few days ago due to its expense, and went through some sort of withdrawal yesterday which nearly caused me to faint on several occasions. I also was unable to carry things in my hands. Additionally, I was wide awake all last night, wired, no doubt…
Snakes Vault Past Toxic Newts In Evolutionary Arms Race: Snakes don't eat fugu, the seafood delicacy prepared from blowfish meat and famed for its poisonous potential. However, should a common garter snake wander into a sushi restaurant, it could fearlessly order a fugu dinner. Bipolar Disorder:…
Figure 1: Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias. I saw this clip on the news last night, but when I went to look for the video online, it hadn't been uploaded yet. How awesome to find it this morning, already blogged by my friends at LAist! This video was caught at Will Rogers State Beach in…

I think they'd like us to believe that they are user driven, but it all seems so much agenda management.
If it was real people sending stuff in, it wouldn't have all those colourful logos on it.

Yeah, if anything, posting takes even longer to register. It's rather annoying.

Are the upgrades actually complete or in an intermediate stage? I hope it's the latter...

By minimalist (not verified) on 11 Jan 2009 #permalink

I am SO asking my doctor if Farkitrol is right for me, my BDSM is acting up something fierce.

By Pareidolius (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink