2 of Hearts in the WSJ: Bad Apples are Spoiling the Otherwise Pristine Barrell of For Profit Education

As an educator, I realize that much of education is...well...a scam. And some scams are much bigger than others. We've all read about the graduates with six-figure debt loads from obscure colleges. But the for-profit college world operates on another level. Gawker has had excellent commentary on the issue, and has pointed out that the only way the people at the Washington Post make money anymore is through Kaplan "education."

But in a setback for justice in this arena, a judge recently invalidated some regulations of the for-profit field. This gave the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities an opportunity to whip out a pretty-low-value argument straight out of the Denialists' Deck of Cards:

"No one is suggesting that anyone ought to have a free pass, but there are appropriate standards in place already," said Steve Gunderson, president and chief executive of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, which was the plaintiff in the case. "If there's a particular school that has a problem, then deal with that school but don't [come down] on the entire sector."

Yes, this is the old "bad apples" argument...and maybe "no problem" too.

Attention, Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, I expect for you to cite to us going forward if you are going to continue these bogus arguments!

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That's whst drug companies get for you, mark.

Marketable drugs and their pushers.