The Airline Pilot Story Gets Funnier

Yesterday's story of the American Airlines pilot cajoling his passengers to use the time in the air to proselytize just gets funnier and funnier. First, in the interests of fairness, it should be said that other passengers on the flight, and the pilot himself, have said that he did not call non-Christians "crazy", but used that term for the Christians on board in an affectionate manner. But here's the part that I find even funnier...

The pilot did an interview with, of all magazines, The Advocate. It seems that the pilot, whose name is Roger Findiesen, thinks that God told him to do it:

"I just got back from a mission in Costa Rica," said Findiesen, a tall white man with neatly trimmed thick white hair and a mustache, both lightly peppered with black. "I felt that God was telling me to say something." He went on to explain that he felt God wanted him to witness to the passengers on his first flight upon returning to work for American Airlines after his mission. Despite this feeling, he said, he had decided not to say anything--but then he got another sign from God.

A minor problem with the plane's braking system had developed during final checks before takeoff, he said, a problem that might have grounded the aircraft, on which every seat was taken, in part because another American flight from Los Angeles to New York had been canceled that morning. But after a simple maneuver involving a power source, the braking problem inexplicably "disappeared," Findiesen said, and the plane was cleared for departure, and that's when he knew he had to use the P.A. system to talk about his Christian faith.

You know, it's incredible to me that all these people talk to God and he never seems to tell them anything sane. God is apparently busy telling Osama Bin Laden to kill people, telling some whacko in New Mexico to cut off his hand, telling pastors in Texas to beat the kid in their congregation literally to death, telling Pat Robertson that he's going to make sure Bush wins reelection, etc. Why doesn't God tell people reasonable things like, oh I don't know, "Don't listen to people who claim they talk to God or that God gives them 'signs' in the form of brake problems"?


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