From my ever-slovenly but impishly charming pal Skip Evans comes the news that this past Saturday was National Corn Dog Day. For anyone out there who doesn't know what a corndog is, this webpage explains it:
Corn dogs are hot dogs dipped in corn batter, deep fried and served on a stick. Corn dogs were supposedly created in 1942 for the Texas State Fair by Neil Fletcher.Corn dogs are an excellent source of calories, fat, cholesterol and salt.
That about sums it up.
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A really good corn dog, spread with just a little yellow mustard, is a delightful treat that really ought to be enjoyed occasionally... say, once a decade. Alas, I haven't had one in two decades, mostly because I don't have a source of really _good_ ones.
So, it turns out, we have Texas to thank for the Corn Dog too. Figures.
Hey, don't make fun of corn dogs. As Tony T. Tiger might say "they're great."
The truly odd thing is that the only storebought versions of corn dogs that are at all good are the veggie versions.
Of course a real corn dog can only be found in rural drive-ins and county fairs.
And I might add that the likelihood of there being invented in Texas is probably nill.