Worldnutdaily Promotes Christian Reconstructionists

When I came across this article entitled "The 15 Deadly Lies that Christians Swallow", I just had to click on it. In a sane media outlet, those lies would include claims like Darwin's deathbed recantation, or the notion that the earth is only 6000 years old. But since we're dealing with the Worldnutdaily, one could hardly be surprised by two things. First, that this "article" is really just a sales pitch for a book that they profit from. Second, that it promotes the most extreme right-wing theocratic views imaginable. In this case, the views of Gary DeMar, described by WND as an "acclaimed author". Acclaimed, perhaps, by his fellow theocratic fascists.

DeMar is a Christian Reconstructionist, so far to the right that he considers the Christian Coalition to be liberals and compromisers. Yikes. Reconstructionists want to rebuild American society as a Biblical theocracy, complete with all those barbaric Old Testament laws as the civil and criminal law of the land. Death penalty for homosexuals? Yep. Stoning women if they're not virgins on their wedding day? Check. Punishment for heresy and blasphemy? Of course. Charming, isn't it? Is anyone shocked that the Worldnutdaily would be profiting from and promoting the work of outright theocratic fascists? Not likely.

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How do these guys keeping writing books about this stuff? There's only so much you can say about how God hates gays, liberals isn't there?

By Matthew Phillips (not verified) on 11 Oct 2004 #permalink

How can they keep writing books about this stuff? There seems to be an insatiable market of people willing to buy books about this stuff. That's why.

Compared to a real news site like MSNBC, WND's readership is disproportionally poor and ignorant. Providing an echo chamber for such people will help them stay that way, too.