WorldNutDaily's Insane Overreaction

Continuing the Christian persecution theme, the Worldnutdaily is even taking President Bush to task for not being quite Christian enough in the White House. The top story on WND last night was Bush White House's Christ-less Christmas. The top story. On a day when 22 soldiers died in a rocket attack in Mosul, this is the biggest story for the Worldnutdaily:

The official White House site proclaims this as the "Season of Merriment and Melody" - not the birth of the Savior of the world...

Among the website's many photographs of secular decorations is a shot of a creche, or Nativity, displayed in the East Room, but the baby Jesus is virtually invisible.

Oh my god! Poor camera angles are the Devil's playground!

The White House has not responded to WND's request for comment.

Gee, what a surprise.


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