Sandefur and Solum, et al. v. Posner

You all should definitely be keeping up with the conversation going back and forth between Richard Posner (posting on Leiter's blog), Timothy Sandefur, Larry Solum and others. Follow the links. I like Sandefur's phrase "mass moral relativism", and it looks to me like Posner is getting thrashed pretty severely at this point.

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FWIW, I don't pay a lot of attention to blogs that don't allow for comments. I skimmed Sandefur's blog and Solum's, but don't anticipate spending much time there.

For the same reason, I don't spend much if any time at Volokh's blog either. And that is notwithstanding the rather low level of commentary there.

FWIW, I don't pay a lot of attention to blogs that don't allow for comments.

Hmm... I cut off comments some months ago when I realized I had gotten a total of one comment in all the months I'd blogged and was spending an hour a week culling through spam comments. You're free to make your choices on whom you read, but configurations may be based on lack of time to upgrade MovableType (my case) or a variety of factors.