A Big Thank You

I have to send out a box full of gratitude to Reed Cartwright, who was kind enough to rescue me from my cluelessness and install the mt-blacklist plugin on my blog. I have tried several times and couldn't seem to get it to work, so I sent Reed and email and asked him for help and he got it working for me, and also upgraded my MT software to version 3.14 while he was at it. Reed is also the man who handles virtually all of the programming work at the Panda's Thumb, hacking away at the MT code and producing the wonderful style sheet that it uses (which is so much better than mine). He's one of those guys who says things like, "Yeah, I can make it do that, I'll just have to write a program to convert this coding system to a new system", and then 3 hours later writes back to say, "Okay, it's done." And all that while finishing his PhD in genetics. You're a gentleman and a scholar, Reed, and I can't thank you enough for all your help.

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