The Pet Troll Strikes Again

Here's the arch-moron mynym's latest response to me, wherein he still is too stupid to understand the difference between a public form and a private one. I'm not going to bother with a line by line refutation of it. If you feel like it, go there and pick out all the logical fallacies yourself. Most amusing thing about it: he actually thinks he was stopped from commenting here because he was disproving me. I'll take delusions of grandeur for $1000, Alex.

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Here's the funniest thing: he comments on his own blog entries. I've checked out the last couple of entries (because I needed a good laugh) and he's the first (and only) commenter. Sort of like he's carrying on a conversation with himself. And his own posts repeat "Leftist," and "radical egalitarian," and "sweaty little hands of the censor" over and over. I wonder if he's like, a thirteen year-old who just got his first introduction to Marx or something? That old "when all you've got is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail" sort of thing. It really is hilarious.

You're right; dude's a moron. I was going to comment on his little Christianity in the U.S. post, but it was too much of a hassle what with the TOS agreement and crappy password parameters (this is not allowed, etc.). Whatever. Terrible waste of time anyway.

I thought this was a topic about petrol strikes in the UK

Someone rescue me from myself... This guy is like a black hole and I'm getting sucked in. He made one semi-rationalized argument and I felt the need to respond. Now with each subsequent reply, he get's farther and farther off base. He's now stooping to word games over the definition of "gay." I know this is a stupid waste of my time, and yet, I just cannot stop myself.