Kinda Says It All...

Pastor Ray Mummert, in a report on the Dover, PA "intelligent design" lawsuit:

"Christians are a lot more bold under Bush's leadership, he speaks what a lot of us believe," said Mummert.

"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture," he said, adding that the school board's declaration is just a first step.

Any questions?

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Um. I'm floored. I am absolutley, completely and totally floored.

Buy Euros and learn a foreign language. You'll need them.

Yeah I read that, it's worth a belly laugh isn't it.

Somewhere in all the stored files is a story by a reporter who went to Tennessee last year during the campaign. After one such event she was eating a late dinner in a diner near a theological school. She overheard a conversation in which a faculty member was proposing to a student, that the student warn his high school friends to stay away from non-theological and/or non-denominational higher education because "it will make you a liberal, with all that rational thinking and intellectual inquiry." It is insightful to know that those folks are at least astute enough to know what is real, although they want to have nothing to do with it.

"it will make you a liberal, with all that rational thinking and intellectual inquiry."

And they make it sound like a bad thing. I hope the kid ignored their warnings.