A Death to Report

And no, not Terri Schiavo's. For all practical purposes, she has been dead for 15 years. But I just received an email from a reader who works at Comedy Central that Mitch Hedberg has died of an apparent heroin overdose. I knew Mitch only vaguely, from running into him on the road a couple times, so it's not a personal loss. But he was one of our most creative and daring comedians, and his voice will be sorely missed. Comedy Central is working on a tribute on their webpage and I will add a link to it as soon as it's finished.

Update: This is the link to the Comedy Central bio page for Mitch Hedberg. They've updated it a bit and added a new clip to it. They will be airing a tribute to Mitch on Friday night as well, so tune in for that.

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That is awful news. I loved his routine about being a race car passenger. ("Mind if I turn on the Radio? ... You sure like Tide.")
His delivery and odd pacing and speech were great.
I'll miss him.

By GeneralZod (not verified) on 31 Mar 2005 #permalink

He was the greatest active comedian in the country for the past several years, in my humble opinion, and even in his much much too short career, I think he earns a spot among the funniest of all time.

Farewell, Mitch-All-Together. We'll keep the Chair Lunch-Dinners open late for you tonight :).

By Jordan Olsommer (not verified) on 31 Mar 2005 #permalink

THIS IS SO FUCKING SAD! i was supposed to see him in october when i lived in brooklyn, but it was my sisters wedding day so i couldnt make it. now i live in baltimore HE WAS SCHEDULED to perform TONIGHT. he was one of the funniest people out there this decade. im so pissed off, so upset, and "that tree is really far away"
we love you michie...
this really sucks.

By snaregirl (not verified) on 31 Mar 2005 #permalink

My personal preference is for his good friend Doug Stanhope, who is much more raw and political. But Mitch had such an odd way of looking at things. He was the modern version of Steven Wright. If you like him, you'd also love Dwight York, who is a much darker version of the same type of humor (and I like dark humor). Mitch was definitely one of the most unique voices in humor, and in a business filled with hacks, that uniqueness really stands out.

He did have a Steven Wright quality about him.
I really enjoyed his unique style of speaking, it was unique and made his stuff that much funnier.

By GeneralZod (not verified) on 31 Mar 2005 #permalink

Damn....poor Mitch, Just a couple days ago me and my bro were talkin about how our two favorite comedians were Dane Cook, and mitch Hedberg. Dude was hilarious, too bad it couldn't last.. :(

Wow. I can't imagine anyone who liked Mitch Hedberg also liking Dane Cook. They couldn't be more different. Personally, Dane Cook just bores me, as does almost all physical comedy. Energy and volume are not a good replacement for being able to write.


a true comedian who visioned what most people take for granted, Mitch, going to a good place nobody flying higher...here nor there...!

Mitch, I hardly knew ye. I will miss you. You were a true comic genius.

Mitch... man... I am shocked and so sorry...the world is forever deprived. I will remember your jokes forever... Like Jim Henson and Phil Hartman, they reflect such a simple, pure view of life. I just don't understand how someone that could see the world (and express it) as you did could be so terribly tortured inside. Laughter really IS the best medicine... why oh why didn't you take that instead? With all my heart, I wish you could "come and settle by me so that I could put you in a mayonaise jar with a leaf and a twig..." and maybe even keep you safe... Peace out,

By Carole in G'ville (not verified) on 01 Apr 2005 #permalink

I saw Mitch a couple of years ago at our local comedy club and got up on stage with him and drank a shot. I will miss him. See ya later Mitch

Mitch Hedburg...he's probably gonna hook up with Sam Kinison in Heaven and they'll be making the whole place laugh. Later dude...you were one of the best.

By Sneaky Preacher (not verified) on 05 Apr 2005 #permalink

Comedy lost something great. He was,is, and always will be the man. He had a talent you just dont see in most comics today. Comedy and all of us will miss him.

Anyone that thinks Dane Cook is funny should have there head examined. This guy is a tool. He brainwashed college kids through his web site to believe that he was the MAN. Which is total bull. This guy has a huge data base of robot fans that will pay to see him , and they only pay $17 to see him , if you don't believe me check out any college he has ever played at, but he has absolutely zero talent. The last time I was in New York I hung out at the "New York Comedy Club" and saw a comedian named "Robert Bella" , a cross between Steve Martin and Rodney Dangerfield , the funniest comic I have seen in years !!!! You want to laugh , see this guy , believe me you will thank me for the rest of your life. Make sure you call to see if he is performing , that way you don't go there just to see the average comedians.

By IKnowFunny (not verified) on 02 Aug 2006 #permalink