Amusing Blog Links

A blog called Patriots for Bush has linked to an article I wrote in a post about how thoroughly evil the ACLU is. "The American Patriot" writes:

The ACLU is the most unpopular entity in America next to the Klan and the Nazi's, I wonder how long it will be before they defend one of those two groups. Oops, wait a minute, they already have.

But if you follow the link, you see that I was in fact writing about the ACLU defending not the Nazis or the KKK (though they have, and rightfully so), but about them defending Jerry Falwell! Now of course, they could have linked to the many posts I've written about the ACLU defending the rights of Christian individuals, churches and organizations - but that might just get in the way of the story they're trying to sell. And let's not little things like the truth get in the way of a perfectly good spook story.

Update: Looks like the same person posted the same thing to this blog too.

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I wrote it. A friend gave me the link and since I was in a hurry I did not have time to investigate. I have removed the link.

Sorry for the confusion.


I guess that is one of the bad things about blogs - any crazy can post inaccurate crap without consequences. Wait a minute - Fox News does that too!

Timbo wrote:

I wrote it. A friend gave me the link and since I was in a hurry I did not have time to investigate. I have removed the link.

That's the high regard for truth and accuracy I've come to expect from people who rant about the ACLU being communists.

I also liked this post on that blog (which screens comments, so I'll post here too):

"16th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, where is Amnesty International?"

Where's AI? Here they are:

"AI demands justice for Tiananmen"

Currently AI is the featured star of the Minute of Hate amongst the rah-rah-Republican crowd, so why let trivial things like a consistant and vocal position against China's abuses that can be found in a few seconds through Google get in the way of a good smear campaign? Way to go, Tim!