If you're looking for the folks for whom the Worldnutdaily exists, look no further than Free Republic. It's basically a central online gathering place for every deluded and ignorant pedestrian right winger in the country. And you just gotta see the total meltdown they're having over the autopsy of Terri Schiavo. Some of these people actually believe that Terri had broken legs and even a broken back when she was admitted to the hospital 15 years ago. Never mind that the medical reports from the hospital staff don't say anything like that, and they checked for any signs of abuse or strangulation as is routine in such a case. They've seized on a 1991 bone scan that showed some knee trouble and exaggerated it beyond all proportion, claiming that it shows broken legs and a broken back. In fact, it shows the kind of ossification that comes from osteoporosis and would be the result of degeneration from lack of physical activity and being in a coma. Good lord, what must it be like to go through life thinking like these loonies?
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Is there anything that Freepers Don't go apeshit over?
I like this one from Texas Songwriter - "If you heard the ME address the cerebral cortex, please confirm with transcript or the document. It was a glaring omission. He spoke of the brain, but not the cortex."
Since he mentioned half the brain was gone, and apparently he wasn't talking about the cerebal cortex, he must have meant the other half, which is even more important for life.
Ohh no, this is by far the best:
Glancing at the autopsy report confirmed, in my mind, this inescapable conclusion: it would have been an act of utter immoral cruelty to keep her alive any longer. Her condition was truly pathetic: blind, bones so brittle from osteoporosis that they would snap like toothpicks, and degenerative arthritis everywhere. If she was capable of feeling pain, and I very much doubt that she was, there can be little doubt that she was in it every day. I am quite sure that not even the most strident wingnuts would keep a dog alive under those circumstances, and I doubt that they themselves would want to be preserved in such a state. Yet they had no qualms about bringing the highest levels of government authority to bear in a cynical power play to force another human being to remain in that condition. That tells me everything I need to know about wingnut morality.
They're also claiming that her brain shrank as a result of dehydration, forgetting the CT scan, taken while she was well hydrated, showing the severe atrophy that the autopsy merely confirmed.
I actually heard a lunatic on talk radio yesterday suggest that she wasn't completely dead when they started the autopsy. That's right, he claimed that the evil liberals of the culture of death autopsied her alive.
There is no reasoning with these people.
I am quite sure that not even the most strident wingnuts would keep a dog alive under those circumstances
Perhaps that's the whole point of the belief system, letting them believe that people are less important than dogs.
Um, maybe the Freepers will start talking about alien abduction in the case.
I actually used to post on the Freeper web site. They were hilarious.
OMFG, "apeshit" doesn't even begin to describe this pathetic implosion! I loved following the track from smug anticipation, to shock and awe, to stunned disbelief, to bitter, angry denials and conspiracy stories.
I love the smell of charred wingnuts in the morning. Morrigan help me, I do love it so.
PS: your post on "In the Agora" about Michael's motives was excellent and reflects an opinion I've had for some time (which of course makes it the epitome of genius). Do you mind if I quote it in my own blog?
Raging Bee wrote:
Of course not. Quoting and linking is what blogs are all about.
That is most wretchedly formatted page I have ever had the displeasure of reading.
Not only it is impossible to follow because of the format, but the posts are pretty much incoherent babble. Do these people even know what a sentence is?
I love your blog Ed, and now I know better than to click any freeper links ;)