Government Failures in Katrina Response

Radley Balko has a devestating post documenting the massive failures of government at all levels to respond to the hurricane. I knew some people were complaining, but I've been too busy to really look at it until now. Even someone as cynical as I am about government can't help but be stunned at this kind of incompetence. Several states had offered to send National Guard troops to New Orleans to help out before the storm hit, but the paperwork didn't get through Washington until days after the storm. The Department of Homeland Security refuses to allow the Red Cross into the city to help people because that might encourage people to stay (how's that for twisted logic?). It's incredible.

Probably the worst thing of all is the entire story of how and why MIke Brown, director of FEMA, has his job. The man has zero experience that would have prepared him for such a job. He was fired from his last job, where for 11 years he organized shows featuring Arabian horses. He is purely a political appointee who got the job solely because his former college roommate was the head of FEMA and brought him on board as his assistant. He is every bit as unqualified for the job as I am.

Go read Balko's post and follow the links to all the documentation. It will shock you. Then go read this post about the incredible generosity of corporate America in the aftermath of the hurricane. Indeed, you will even read about the fact that corporations who sought to help immediately were turned away. Walmart immediately sent thirteen trucks full of supplies to help the victims and they were turned away by FEMA!


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Anyone remember Hurrican Pam?

Of course not, it wasn't a real Hurricane, but after conducting the simulation, the general concensus was, "Louisiana is prepared"

"We made great progress this week in our preparedness efforts," said Ron Castleman, FEMA Regional Director. "Disaster response teams developed action plans in critical areas such as search and rescue, medical care, sheltering, temporary housing, school restoration and debris management. These plans are essential for quick response to a hurricane but will also help in other emergencies."

"Hurricane planning in Louisiana will continue," said Colonel Michael L. Brown, Deputy Director for Emergency Preparedness, Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. "Over the next 60 days, we will polish the action plans developed during the Hurricane Pam exercise. We have also determined where to focus our efforts in the future."

By Robert Madison (not verified) on 06 Sep 2005 #permalink