Daily Show on Katrina

If you're like me, you love the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. And you're gonna love this clip especially. Follow this link and click on "Meet the F**ckers". It's a hilarious take on the government's response to Katrina that ends with Larry King asking Celine Dion if she has anything to sing to comfort the victims of the hurricane. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go commit ritual disembowlment.

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I could hardly belive the Celine Dion thing. Cripes Larry, I can see now why CNN is even considering that screeching Nancy Grace to replace you.

I find myself routinely transfixed by the flaring of good ol' Nancy "I never met an accused person who wasn't guilty" Grace's nostrils, pulsating and gaping with indignation at every lawbreaker passing through Nancy's turf.

Larry King is an embarrasment, the "real news" equivalent of Brent Musberger. I sometimes wonder if he even listens to himself (because I KNOW he doesn't listen to his guests).