
OK. Someone has to explain what this means.

This is a comment I got on my World Environment Day 2010 post. If you can decipher it, please explain...

Let me show you the FATE OF TRAITORS... they are incapable of telling the difference between SCIENTIFIC *FACT* AND RELIGIOUS AND PHILOSOPHICAL *TRUTH*... FATAL ERROR! they also preach a *VALUE FREE SCIENCE* called *POSITIVISM* that ignores the inequalities of wealth and power in capitalist civilization... for a sample taste of PZ Myers' GARBAGE... HIJACKING IN PROGRESS!!! HIJACKING IN PROGRESS!!! how can these HEADLESS IDIOTS BET AGAINST GOD!!! ________________________________________ what happens when you LOSE Pascal's Wager... _____________ you FIGHT PAPER MONSTERS... the blood and bodies of the atheist movement... you mofos killed MICKEY MOUSE!!!! this has more TRUTH then what Dawkins, Randi, Harris, Myers, and Shermer combined have said in their entire lives...!v=5R2wE8Sduhs&playnext_from=TL&videos=hht1U_19anc&feature=rec -LGOUT-exp_fresh%2Bdiv-1r-3-HM they tried to BULLDOZE the entire METAPHYSICAL DIMENSION... they LOST THE WAR...... you have FORFEIT YOUR SOUL, shermer... you have become an object in the material world, as you WISHED... we're gonna smash that TV... They had become ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE AND OF GOD... you pushed too much and *CROSSED THE LINE* degenerates (PZ) or children (HEMANT) - ATHEISTS! do you have anything to say, you STUPID LITTLE F*CKER? how about I tell you, Mr. Shermer, EVERYTHING YOU THINK ABOUT THE WORLD is *WRONG* THE BOOBQUAKE - 911! RUN, ATHEISTS, RUN!!!

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I'm surprised that Dennis Markuze doesn't yet have a Wikipedia page devoted to his psychoses. In its absence, here's a good explanation from last month:

He occasionally tries to post the same sort of spew on my web site's forums. It's a shame that he's now targeting you as well, but I suspect he's got all SciBlings in his address list, so it's not exactly personal.

My advice is to delete his garbage when it shows up and get on with your day.

If you google the image URL or snippets of the rant, it looks like this has been posted on quite a few blogs. Checking those links, the name David Mabus comes up quite a bit...

Whoops, not "last month," but "last March." Still, that summary I linked to hits most of the high points, and is only really lacking Markuze's brand-new obsession with "Boobquake," which took place in April.

If one of DM's choice rants appears on your blog, take it as a sign you're probably doing something right.