Oil in Israel Scam, Take 2

Bartholemew has a typically thorough article about Zion Oil and Gas and their investment scam trying to find oil in Israel. The Worldnutdaily has been pimping this company for months, including having their writer Hal Lindsey write articles encouraging people to invest in it without revealing that his family had a major financial stake in the project. And as Bartholemew points out, this is merely the recycling of an old scam. And they're always this close to finding the oil, if only they had more money. These are the Ron Wyatt's of the oil industry.

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There was a spot on the national news about this the other night, although it didn't focus on the possibility of scamming investors (it was slightly skeptical, however). They spoke with the head whacko, who said his search was mostly based on faith and scripture.

After this venture fails and investors have lost their money, I hope the news reporters come back and explain why this is an example of why it's better to learn a little science in science class and not use that time to promote "theistic science."

This reminds me of something of a joke from the 1960s. (It's benign) It goes something to the effect that Moses wandered for 40 years in the desert and plopped down on the only area of the Middle East that didn't have any oil.

Yeah, I heard it from Jewish comedians.

WorldNetDaily? Pimping a scam? You shock me. I think WND must be one of the few news sources (obviously Fox is another) which makes you not only more ignorant but stupider the more you listen to them.

By Ginger Yellow (not verified) on 29 Sep 2005 #permalink