Dover Update

Some are probably wondering why there haven't been any updates on the Dover trial the last couple days. They took a short break from the trial and are resuming today. The plaintiff's case is wrapping up this week. Today, Bertha Spahr, chairman of the Dover science department, will finish her testimony that began last week. Tomorrow Brian Alters will take the stand, he's the plaintiff's expert in science education. And on Friday the last plaintiff's witness, Kevin Padian, will testify. Padian is a paleontologist from Berkeley. That will wrap up our case. Next week will begin the defendant's case. We don't know in what order they will take the stand, but surely the most interesting testimony will be that of Michael Behe. As things crank back up, I'll continue to update the situation.

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Ahhh yes ....

Intelligent Design....CREATIONISM LITE*!!...Different look, same great dogma.

*Now with even less science!!

Is Buckingham going to testify? That would be hilarious.

I don't think Buckingham is going to testify. If he was, he would likely have been called by the plaintiffs, not the defense. Last I knew, Buckingham had resigned from the board, went into rehab for addiction to prescription painkillers, and moved out of town. It's entirely possible that they don't know where he is to subpeona him, I suppose.

Supposedly, Buckingham had already bought a house in North Carolina. I'm sure the defense was not eager to have him on the stand where he could be shown to be a liar and a perjurer.