Let the Wilma Lunacy Begin

And naturally, let the Worldnutdaily lead the way. Their crack reporting staff is hot on the trail of the story of Hurricane Wilma forcing a "homosexual party" to be postponed. We're talking about Key West here, folks. There's a "homosexual party" going on pretty much every night. I'm sure the hurricane also postponed a few church-related events, but that's not really newsworthy is it?

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Ah, yes. My favorite along these lines came after Katrina. Churches wiped out all along the coast, but at one church site, in I think, Waveland, MS, a statue still stood, with only one arm [or wing?] lost to the storm. CNN had on parishoners talking about "the miracle" that represented. Sigh.

CNN yesterday reported on a number of weddings that had been scheduled for a wiped-out Holiday Inn in S. Florda. All were delayed. Wonder what the theological implications of that might be. Clearly, those couples had better rethink their vows. Evidently God doesn't want them getting hitched.

And the beat goes on.....

By flatlander100 (not verified) on 25 Oct 2005 #permalink

Gotta ask what sort of omniscience/omnipotence sees fit to stop a gay party with a hurricane? It's darned inefficient, if you ask me. Wouldn't, say, a well-aimed meteorite be not only much less wasteful, but get the point across better too?

By countlurkula (not verified) on 25 Oct 2005 #permalink

I always thought Fantasy Fest was one of the really great heterosexual public encounters--all those amazingly creative body painters taking the female form as canvas upon which they create stunning art.

countlurkula... You and I could think of dozens of ways to get the job done, if that's what the Almighty wished. Perhaps the door to the party venue might be mysteriously locked, with no key to be found. Or a gas leak forces the building to be evacuated. Or one of God's followers might send a bomb threat.

Or the wicked sodomites could simply be teleported into the Sun. Or granted the "wisdom" to choose a virtuous path (of their own free will, naturally). These are the things a God might have done (as Cyrano said) had He an ounce of letters or of wit.

Odd. According to the Weather Channel, Wilma was headed towards Naple (FL) a rather upscale, predominantly white and hetero area. Maybe Gawd doesn't particularly like rich white heteros. Oh, and old, too.

Those people at WorldNutDaily are really stupid, but we knew that already.

Gotta ask what sort of omniscience/omnipotence sees fit to stop a gay party with a hurricane? It's darned inefficient, if you ask me. Wouldn't, say, a well-aimed meteorite be not only much less wasteful, but get the point across better too?

Not to mention BOTH Mid-Atlantic Leather and the International Mr. Leather contest - both gatherings of VERY kinky gay men and some women - have never, as far as I know, been interrupted by any weather phenomenon - and we are talking 25 years of both events here. Sheesh!

If these folks really thought that sodomy causes hurricanes, you have to wonder - wouldn't they want gays in the military? Just think - you could unleash devastating forces of nature on your enemies, just by getting your army to screw on the front lines.

It's cheaper than bullets.

Back when AIDS was still raging in the late 80s, a close relative expressed his conviction that it was sent as God's punishment (for homosexuality of course). I later reflected that there is more than one possible motivation for punishment, but which one would AIDS be? Is it a chastisement? As such, it doesn't seem to have accomplished much on the general population long term. Gays are certainly more visible than ever and probably are more accepted now than before. Was it a purging perhaps? If so it was very incomplete and temporary. God will have to keep repeating the process, just like me with the oil stain on my khaki pants. Retaliation? That seems particularly pointless, only because I don't think most Christians believe in a God that punishes for no reason beyond his own satisfaction.

Or do they? What else would make sense?

By countlurkula (not verified) on 25 Oct 2005 #permalink

P.S. Grumpy, of course you're right about the whole mind set being nonsensicle.

By countlurkula (not verified) on 25 Oct 2005 #permalink