Kuznicki and Sandefur on Narnia, Iraq and Terrorism

Positive Liberty has been home to a compelling series of posts lately, posts which show clearly why I am proud to be on the same page with Jason Kuznicki and Timothy Sandefur. It started with Sandefur's review of the new Narnia movie, which contained some powerful analysis of CS Lewis' views and equally fascinating thoughts on the role of mythology. At the end, he also includes a defense of the war in Iraq, prompting Kuznicki to write an equally compelling response discussing both Iraq and the broader "War on Terror". Sandefur then replied to that response. I urge you all to read them, in that order. Regardless of which one you agree with, if either, I think you'll find it refreshing because of the depth of analysis and respectful tone of the exchange. The thing that I love the most about both of them is their immunity to groupthink of all types. Each argument is considered separately and solely on the basis of whether it's true, not whether it's used by those who agree or disagree with them on any other argument.

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I don't really like Sandefur that much. He seems to ruin his reasonable opinions with his unrestrained extremist style.

I'm amazed at the degree to which the Narnia movie has gotten press. I read the books when I was in the 5th and 6th grades (around 1960) and enjoyed them as fantazies. There was no indication that they had anything to do with religion.

Actually, I lost interest after the 5th book (out of seven). I moved on to science fiction.

Yeah, Sandefur's flogging the tired old "flypaper" BS in his post on the President's speech.

Cuz, you know, that flypaper has been working out just fine for Madrid and London.

I read Mr Sandefur's Narnia review and found it a bit hard to unravel, what with its seeming conflation of Christianity with a militant defending-of-the-realm.

I seem to recall some striking words attributed to an earlier Aslan incarnation: "Resist not evil."

I read Mr Sandefur's Narnia review and found it a bit hard to unravel, what with its seeming conflation of Christianity with a militant defending-of-the-realm.

I seem to recall some striking words attributed to an earlier Aslan incarnation: "Resist not evil."