Brit Hume and Robert Bork

I've had the Alito confirmation hearing on in the other room but I haven't been paying attention to them because, frankly, the opening statements by the senators on the committee are pretty much meaningless hot air. But as I was walking through the room I heard Brit Hume mention Robert Bork and I stopped for a second to catch what he said. I'm glad I did - what he said was false. He said:

"He had a reasoned position on a line of cases leading to Roe v Wade and he argued it in such a way that it gave the impression that he didn't think there was a right to privacy in the constitution. He didn't think that but it sounded like he did."

This is simply wrong. Bork has emphatically argued that there is no general "right to privacy" beyond the specific provisions of, for example, the 4th amendment. Even a cursory examination of his writings on the subject prove this true. He has repeatedly referred to the right to privacy in Griswold as a "new" or "invented" constitutional right, in no way tied to the text of the Constitution.

I actually did catch later some of Sen. Cornyn's opening remarks and they were full of ridiculous rhetoric. I hope to find the full text of them so I can have some fun with them.

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Wouldn't it be stunningly amazing if one of the MSM streams actually discussed historical nomination proceedings?? Rather than continually rehashing Bork for example, couldn't they dig out the recorded transcripts of nominees in the early 1800's to see what they were saying about their understanding of the "power" of the US Constitution?? Or those in the late 1800's when the robber barons and their financial supporters were trying to stack the Court as they had the US Senate????

If I'm remembering this correctly, the nomination deliberations of the Senate from the early 1800s were not recorded, and are not available. Until the later 1800s, I don't think there was even a judiciary committee that reviewed nominations before making a recommendation vote, as is now generally the rule. Until the early 20th century, it was highly unusual even for a nominee to appear before a Senate committee or even meet with individual Senators. Brandeis (I think) was one of the first to really show up and defend himself and his views (he was ultimately successful).