
A panel of linguists has decided the word that best reflects 2005 is "truthiness," defined as the quality of stating concepts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than the facts.

I'm guessing these folks have been watching the Discovery Institute and their constant stream of "ID is not creationism" nonsense. This a wonderful word and I fully intend to use if often from now on.

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Yes, Steven was - justifiably - all OVER them be-atches last night for failure to site him as their source!

That's the truth! Or so I think. Or, it is because I say so! Or whatever. Love the word, of course. Love your new digs, too.

Did anyone else notice that Intelligent Design was runner up for word of the year? They even got the definition right.

intelligent design: the theory that life is could only have been created by a sentient being. Often acronymized and pronounced as ID, the theory is being pushed by proponents of creation science as a necessary part of school curricula alongside explanations of evolution.