Prominent Conservatives Demand NSA Investigation

A group of very prominent conservatives, including Bob Barr, Grover Nordquist and Paul Weyrich, have formed a group called Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances and are demanding a Congressional investigation into the NSA wiretapping issue. David Keene of the American Conservative Union had this to say:

"The need to reform surveillance laws and practices adopted since 9/11 is more apparent now than ever. No one would deny the government the power it needs to protect us all, but when that power poses a threat to the basic rights that make our nation unique, its exercise must be carefully monitored by Congress and the courts. This is not a partisan issue; it is an issue of safeguarding the fundamental freedoms of all Americans so that future administrations do not interpret our laws in ways that pose constitutional concerns."

How long before the StopTheACLU folks start calling them "terrorist sympathizers" and accuse them of treason?


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Today i spent a disproportionate amount of time reviewing utterances of Scott McClellan on the whitehouse website. They are filled with hypocrisy, outright lies, distortions of others statements, deceptive obfuscation, etc. Then when i read the various posts i missed here while travelling, and see how Dembski, DaveScot, and so many others tend to exhibit those same tendencies i begin to wonder if this is a top down problem. As in: "If Scotty boy does it, then it must be okay for me to do it!" StoptheACLU is yet another example of model operating in its most vile form. We seem to be experiencing a period in history when most of what might be perceived as factual information is completely obstructed by programmed dysinformation. Talk about "jumping the propaganda."

Stop The ACLU will do no such thing, Ed. They will simply ignore it as if it did not occur.