Rowe and Sandefur on Blackstone and Common Law

One of the great things about a group blog is that you get to hear different perspectives on the same topic. That's especially interesting when your co-bloggers are as engaging as mine are at Positive Liberty. In response to my essay on Blackstone and the common law, I've gotten replies from both Rowe and Sandefur. I'm happy to find out I didn't screw up anything too badly. It was a new subject for me and, though I did my research, I was still afraid I'd missed something crucial. Both of them agreed with my basic argument and each added some detail and nuance that helped me understand the issue a little better. If you aren't reading Positive Liberty regularly to see their work, as well as Jason Kuznicki's, you're really missing out on some great writing. What you see of mine there will be redundant; what you see of theirs you can't see anywhere else.


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