They Hate Us for Our Freedom Fries!

Iran has decided to rename Danish pastries "Mohammedan" pastry - a new twist in the crisis which has triggered protest by Muslims throughout the world against cartoons of Mohammed first published in Denmark.(link)

Nice to know that we don't have a monopoly on idiotic politicians. I still think that every legislator who voted to rename french fries "freedom fries" in the Congressional cafeteria should have been impeached for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty.

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Wait, it's blasphemy to make a picture of Muhammed but not to name a patry after him and EAT it?! Wow. Of course Danishes are> tastier than communion wafers, so I guess it's not totally daft from either a theological or culinary perspective ...

Do they actually call those pastries "Danish" in Denmark? Or is it one of those things like "French fries" or "English muffins" that would be meaningless in the referenced country?

(And that's not even getting to "German chocolate cake", which is named not for a country, but for a brand of chocolate!)

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 08 Feb 2006 #permalink

Hmm, the link doesn't appear to be working.

FYI, Julie Stahlhut, danishes are called -- Viennese bread -- in Denmark.

That is, "wienerbrod" in Danish.