Funniest Picture Ever?

Forget the caricatures of Muhammed - this is offensive:


More like this

Eugene Volokh has an interesting post about the comparison between flag burning and the Muhammed caricatures. I agree with him that anyone who thinks that there should be an amendment banning flag burning but supports freedom of expression to print caricatures of Muhammed that inflame Muslims is…
For those who think that the whole Muhammed cartoon issue is just a European issue, let me give some examples of how the zeal to repress anything that someone might find offensive is spreading to American colleges. FIRE is reporting on a number of controversies, the latest of which is a student at…
Andrew Sullivan was not amused by P. Z.'s post: It is one thing to engage in free, if disrespectful, debate. It is another to repeatedly assault and ridicule and abuse something that is deeply sacred to a great many people. Calling the Holy Eucharist a “goddamned cracker” isn't about free speech;…
The editor of the student newspaper at the University of Illinois has been fired for published the infamous 12 caricatures of Muhammed. The board of the paper did not say that he was fired for flagrantly and wantonly committing journalism, but they might as well have.

I've been telling people for years that P*psi is evil and that Coca Cola is the one true cola.

Now maybe you all will start listening!

Praise be to Coca Cola!

By Troy Britain (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

I can see the headlines now:

Germany erupts in riots over critical views of David Hasselhoff

Germany erupts in riots over critical views of David Hasselhoff

This is an Aussie campaign, and Down Under, they call him "The Hoff".

Why does this make me think of Ann-Margaret and baked beans?

I am with Troy Britain on this one. COCA COLA AKBAR.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

When I was in High School, Pepsi installed a new machine that had Dale Earnhardt, Jr. holding a pepsi bottle at crotch level with a huge stream of pepsi sparying out of it with such a force it had blown the cap off.

Ironically, the day that machine showed up was the day we were scheduled to start studying subliminal messages in my AP Psych course.

By chrisberez (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

There are just so many things deep disturbing with this, especially if you know how egomaniacal da Hoff is.