Drinking the Kabbalah Koolaid....err, Water

Perhaps the most amusing and ridiculous pop culture phenomenon of our times is the Kabbalah fad currently gathering more of Hollywood's most shallow every day. Britney Spears, Roseanne, Demi Moore and, of course, Madonna, are all converts to this vague, new agey version of Jewish mysticism. Jewsweek has a funny article up about it that dubs the phenomenon "McMysticism". Not since Shirley MacLaine was channeling the voice of a 35,000 year old Egyptian man has Hollywood been caught up in such a whirlwind of stupidity. And I think we all know where this is inevitably leading: a Survivor style reality show pitting the Scientology folks against the Kabbalah crowd. Personally, I'd put them all on an island and leave them there.

Here's an interesting article that shows what this ridiculous little movement is all about.


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There was a brief flurry of born-again stars back a few years ago, too. Don't hear much about them anymore.

I like the idea about the Survivor show, though. I can just imagine Madonna or Britney eating rats or trying to start a fire with two sticks and some dry grass.

They'll do anything to get publicity. Just ignore them.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 27 Feb 2006 #permalink