That's Hilarious

Three suspects have been arrested for burning down 9 churches in Alabama. All three were college students. One of them says that the fires were "a joke" that "got out of hand". Uh, yeah. Hilarious joke. If they're convicted, lock them up and throw away the key for a long, long time.


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As reported yesterday, three college students have been arrested for setting fire to 9 churches in Alabama (and possibly a 10th), and one of the students ridiculously claimed that their crimes were a "joke" that "got out of hand". I thought it would be hard to top that idiotic statement, but…
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If they're convicted, lock them up and throw away the key for a long, long time.

So after they've thrown away the key and long, long time has passed, will they go digging through the landfill to find the key? ;)

Where's your sense of humor?

They were a gang... who set fire... to churches. And what was the gang's name?

The Aristocrats!

Heh. In Poland, quite a lot of fires were caused by... voluntary firemen. Some of them were idiots who laid fire and then ran to put it down. They did it either for money (the first N voluntary firemen get paid), some of them for fame. How more stupid can people get?

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 08 Mar 2006 #permalink

DaveScot continues to prove his utter idiocy on a daily basis. I can't believe even Dembski hasn't seen the embarrassment this cretin is causing him.

I hope someone is preserving the content on uncommondescent, just in case the inanity gets disappeared. DaveScot's original tirade is nothing. His reaction to criticism is the most convincing indictment of his mental state. His comments speak for themselves. If people like that ever held power in this country, I would flee immediately.