Katherine Harris Keeps Going

I find myself constantly vacillating between taking politics seriously and viewing it solely as a form of entertainment. As Mencken noted so famously, democracy is the only truly amusing form of government ever invented. On those days when I'm looking only for entertainment from the political system, I want all the Katherine Harris I can get.

You may remember Harris as the Florida elections official during the 2000 election, where she resembled nothing so much as a demented Stepford Wife with her bad makeup and her deer-caught-in-headlights facial expression on camera. Well she's now running for the Senate and doing such a bad job of it that the Republican party actually recruited people to run against her in the primary.

Her campaign hit quite a snag recently when a defense contractor convicted of bribery (in the same case that nailed Congressman Duke Cunningham) admitted that he made illegal contributions to Harris' campaign as well. That's not likely to help her recover with polls showing that she trails the incumbent by a full 20 points in the race. Nonetheless, Harris has announced that she's staying in the race and using $10 million she inherited from her father to keep running.

Bravo, Ms. Harris. Don't let the bastards get you down. You keep on running and I'll keep on laughing. And remember that when you lose, there's sure to be a show on Fox waiting for you. I may have to get Tivo for that.


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She's going all in with her eight-figure inheritance? I call. One wonders if she consulted the family before making that decision.

Of course, if she blows the whole pile, the moves she was showing on her previous Hannity & Colmes appearance should provide her with a steady income as a cocktail waitress. [/roast mode]