Calvin College Censorship of Student Paper

A reader alerted me to a situation down at Calvin College, right here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have many friends associated with Calvin, including the theistic evolutionist mentioned many times in the comments on a thread below, Howard Van Till (he's a retired physics professor from Calvin). Every year, the Calvin College student newspaper puts out a spoof issue and, apparently, this year the school censored it heavily. Since Calvin is a private school, such censorship is entirely legal. But the folks who put together the spoof issue decided to put their work up on a webpage and get around the school's censorship. The whole spoof issue is available in pdf format, and it's got some really funny stuff in it. For instance, it has an article by "Dr. Jim Dorbsin" of Colorado Springs, whose bio declares that he "exemplifies Christianity more than who has lived since 1776." Pretty funny stuff.

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This is a hoot!

God, thank you for being heterosexual and white. Grant us the strength to protect our families and employee benefits from evils of non-traditional marriage.


God, thank you for being heterosexual and white. Grant us the strength to protect our families and employee benefits from evils of non-traditional marriage.

So then I take it that the satire begins later on,somewhere after their mission statements and other such formalities?