You Might Be an ID Supporter...

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, a link to an amusing post full of "You might be an ID supporter" jokes. Some are fairly amusing. A couple of my favorites:

18. You consistently refer to mainstream scientists as "Darwinists," which you use as though it meant "bigoted, atheistic, materialistic and dogmatic adherents of a religious movement attempting to trick people into becoming atheists too."

17. You consistently refer to evolution as though mutation and natural selection were the only mechanisms available for the development of natural diversity.

Read the rest for yourself.

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Umm Ed? I don't see a link...

By dogmeatIB (not verified) on 18 May 2006 #permalink

Wow! that's a damn funny (because it's true) list. The list that inspired it was... well... awful. Maybe someone else from the "other side" will come up with a longer and better list. I hope it won't take too much time away from their ID studies. I hear they're this close to coming up with some actual science to support their ideas!