Nancy Pearcey's Waterloo

I've written many a post skewering the claims of ID advocates over the years, but I have to bow down and genuflect before this treatment by Nick Matzke of young earth creationist/IDist Nancy Pearcey at the Panda's Thumb. There are good fiskings, there are verbal beatdowns, and then there are first round knockouts like this one. This is the Globetrotters and the Washington Generals. This is Tyson against Trevor Berbick. This is fun to read.

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Tyson vs. Berbick, now that was a very lopsided fight. Although, if memory serves me right, it ended in two rounds. Tyson vs. Spinks, that only took 88 seconds.

I chose the Berbick fight because I'm pretty sure it's the fight I'm thinking of where Tyson hit him with one shot and when he got up, he was wobbling around and bouncing against the ropes until the ref stopped it. He had no idea where he was. The walking carnival that is Tyson today has made a lot of people forget what an incredible fighter he was early in his career. He would just crush people. I saw him take one guy out with a body shot. He hit this guy with a right to the body and he just crumbled to the ground. That's power.