If This Doesn't Make You Cringe...

In a 2004 Lancaster, Penn., speech reported in the local newspaper, the Lancaster New Era, Bush said to a group of Amish, "I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job." (link)

Nothing will.

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"Jesus is actually The Deciderater. I'm just the Passer-Onner."

So god must have flunked his 'English as a second language' course.

By Mark Paris (not verified) on 09 Jun 2006 #permalink

More proof that this "God" of Bu--sh-- doesn't exist, since even the Bible talks about the "Voice of the Lord" and not "the moose fart of God." No deity of such a then-unhumorous group as the OT Hebrews would communicate through its asshole.

Well, that is in keeping with the recent announcement by the Republican Party of Texas that Jesus is the real chairman of that esteemed organization.

By the way, I believe that goddogit may have made a minor typo: I believe he meant "mouse fart of God."

(Backgound noise of party, then a voice with a thick Texas drawl: "That Jeeesus, what a great party animal. And this water-into-wine, great stuff. I'm gonna see JC hisself to set up a bottling contract.")

By NJ Osprey (not verified) on 10 Jun 2006 #permalink

One minor point. Bush's statement is eerily similar to one by the character Michael in Robert Heinlein's Stranger In A Strange Land.

Very strange similarity.