DaveScot's Fans

Back in my standup comic days, I had a really brutal routine I did about Roseanne Barr and Tom Arnold (this was obviously while they were still married). Among other things, I said that at their wedding they should have been pronounced host and parasite instead of husband and wife. I also referred to the restaurant that they owned in Iowa, which was managed by Tom's brother, making him a parasite twice removed - a virus in the stomach of a tick on the ass of a pig. In the comments on DaveScot's ridiculous attempt to turn Sandefur's words against me, we find a similar phenomenon - sycophant twice removed. Doug began it by saying:


Not to hound you with this.... but write a book!

And then Benton chimed in with:

I agree with Doug. You should write a book. I'm excited that Mike Gene is writing a book, but I think Dave Scott has just as much to offer.

I hate to tell you this, guys, but the title Everything I Need to Know I learned in Kindegarten is already taken. If he wrote a book filled with the kind of sub-literate misreading he applied in the thread you folks are praising, it could only be published as an Idiot's Guide to Illogical Thinking.

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Ed, you don't happen to have any audio recordings from your stand-up days, do you? I know it's a long-shot to ask, but if you did have such materials and had the ability to transfer it to mp3 format, I doubt I'd be alone amoung your readers in wanting to hear it.

By chrisberez (not verified) on 05 Jul 2006 #permalink

No, I don't. There is one videotape in existence that I know of, and my buddy Don has it. It's of a Christmas party that Ted Norkey and I did for a group of packaging engineers once. I haven't seen it in well over a decade, but he says he still has the copy of it I sent him.

I wholeheartedly support this idea. After all, it will just be nutcases shuffling their money from one to the other, with tax and publishing fees deducted into the general economy at every stage... Think of it as a clever way of taxing stupidity...

Debbie Lynn wrote:

Don loves nothing more than to be on stage and watch Ed crack up.

This is true, and it sometimes messes him up on stage. If I'm at the show, he'll get focused on finding something to make just me laugh. He even jokingly refers to it as Pavlovian, that he's trying to find which lever to hit to get the treat, which is me cracking up when the rest of the audience is thinking, "what is he talking about?" But he usually finds a way to get me. But yeah, the dinners beforehand are hilarious as we riff with one another. Best of all, in a couple weeks he and I are gonna have dinner with Ted Norkey, who is just about the funniest person either of us knows. My sides will ache by the end of that night.