Will Dembski Apologize Again?

Dembski has had a habit in the past of posting things on his blog that are reported to him by anonymous colleagues. It's forced him to have to apologize a time or two when it turns out that the facts aren't quite correct (you may recall the anonymous colleague who told him about seeing Kevin Padian speaking ill of "Asian fundamentalists" in a speech that he did not give in a place he hadn't been in years). The latest was this post, where based upon such a report he implied that Ken Miller was a closet ID supporter. Ken Miller has now posted a reply that includes the actual text of the question and answer. You'll notice that the way Dembski's informant portrayed the situation wasn't even close to how it actually went.

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Not this time, I'd wager. Miller's comment about the "design" of the Universe is close enough for IDists to claim that he's merely talking about a version of "front-loaded" intelligent design. Like a ferret invading a hen house, Dembski only needs a tiny amount of wriggle room to believe he's escaped his own distortions.

Over on a different message board I've got IDists claiming the "Wedge document" is mythological and an urban legend, despite them knowing that it exists and that the author, Phillip Johnson, has repeatedly affirmed its goals. Crazy stuff.

Actually, I don't believe Phillip Johnson is the author of the Wedge document itself, though he is the one who originated the wedge argument. That document was probably written by committee, so to speak, within the DI. But the DI admitted long ago that the document was authentic.

That's odd, I don't see anything in the unpublished comments. At any rate, the transcript is already linked to in my post.

What the hell is up with DaveScot in that post by Dembski? He's falling all over himself to try and show how what a good agnostic he is, or at least that's what is seems. A little later he makes this ridiculous statement:

Poetically enough, Darwin is taking care of Europe. They have a negative population growth rate, they're being taken over by Muslims, and their economy is in shambles with runaway unemployment. I fear the U.S. is going to have to save Europe from itself a third time as the Muslims near completion of their takeover. -ds

Wow. Darwin sure is an asshole. I had no idea he and muslims were such buddies. I love how this shows some of DaveScots not so hidden predjudices.

You're right, Ed, there's no proof that he was the actual author of the wedge document though he certainly devised most of the content himself first.

Those IDists are getting a little touchy today. I've now been accused of propogating the "lie" that Phillip Johnson was a founder of the Intelligent Design movement. Of course, they are trying to use Clintonesque parsing of words to separate "scientific" ID from the rest of IDs inconvenient "wedge" baggage, but I've yet to find any prominent IDist dispute Johnson's vital role.

Me: I've tried twice now to post the link to Miller's transcript of his remarks. Curiously, it has never shown up.

Ed: That's odd, I don't see anything in the unpublished comments. At any rate, the transcript is already linked to in my post.

I meant I tried to post the link to Miller's transcript over on Dembski's blog. I'm sure it's just, uh, fallen through the cracks. Twice.