Jehovah's Witnesses Have a Convention

Came across this amusing suggestion from Frank Beckwith at Southern Appeal:

The JW's are having a convention not too far from my home. I was thinking that a bunch of locals should knock on the hotel room doors of all the JWs on Saturday morning, ask to visit with them, and then leave a bunch of literature.

Hear, hear!

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My mother once told a JW that she was Jewish (she's really a lapsed Lutheran). Bad idea to say that to an evangelist from an organization with JEHOVA in its name. The JW was thrilled and asked to come in so they can discuss the Prophets.

My wife's response (usually to Mormons) is: "you can't come in while my husband is out, but please come back later. He's an atheist and he loves talking to you guys." They don't ever come back.

That's not a bad idea. Last year and this year the JWs had a few conventions at the city I work in. Traffic sucked leaving so it'd only be fair to give them some "pay back".

We saw some JWs coming down the street once. So we put some Black Sabbath on and when they came to our place, we turned it up real loud. They didn't stay too long.

Did you ever REALLY listen to what they (JWs) have to say??

You might be surprised . . . .

Did you ever REALLY listen to what they (JWs) have to say??

You might be surprised . . . .

If what they say is anything like what they write in those magazines(I think its called Awake) they leave in my apartment's laundry room, I'll take a pass.

I talked with a couple JW's at the door for a while once....but I must admit, it was only because they were two hot babes, and I wasn't listening too close to what they were saying. I'm going straight to Hell, I know.

Did you ever REALLY listen to what they (JWs) have to say??

Abortion is sin
Homosexuality is sin
Gambling is sin
No celebrations, no birthdays, no Christmas, no Thanksgiving, no national day of slayer, no nothin'
Armageddon is real and it's coming for you
Literal interpretations of the bible please.

Humm, ... I'll pass.

Did you ever REALLY listen to what they (JWs) have to say??

You might be surprised . . . .

The JWs are on of the few Christian sects who are on record as being opposed to evolutionary theory. It's written in their creed, articles of faith, whatever they call it...

Oh yeah, and there's that no blood transfusion thing... I live in Corpus Christi, Texas, where Tejano singer Selena was murdered. I heard she might have survived the shooting had it not been for her parents refusing a blood transfusion.

I've only had one JW knock on my door and that was probably 10 years ago. He was in fact the pastor of the local Kingdom Hall and he just happened to show up about 3 minutes before the opening tipoff of the NCAA final four - that's a bad time to ring my doorbell unless you're showing up with pizza or you're watching the game with me. I was fairly polite about it. I just said to him, "Listen, this is going to sound really arrogant, and I appreciate that you're here because you genuinely believe that you're helping people to discover the truth. But there's nothing that they taught you at seminary that could prepare you to have this conversation with me, and you're going to have a much better day, believe me, if you just move on to the next house." He was polite and moved on. After that, they would send this very sweet old lady around but she wouldn't talk to us she would just drop off copies of the Watchtower magazine on our porch.

My ex once answered a JW knock at the door wearing a bit less than a square foot of cobwebs and smoke. They never came back; makes me wonder if they have secret signs like the hobos used to leave on fences . . .

Why Jehovah's Witnesses have been banned and outlawed in some countries.

Countries that restrict them are usually more totalitarian and authoritative then their own organization.Moreover they recognize the Watchtower cult as an *American New York city corporation with no humanitarian reliefs* like the other religions have.

Up close and personal Jehovah's Witnesses can be wolves in sheep's clothing.
Think about this-When the devil comes knocking on your door he may not have the 'dark goth look'.They could be smartly dressed and wielding the Christian Bible.

I have Jehovah's Witnesses family in the USA who practice the Watchtower JW enforced ritual shunning that i have not seen or heard from in 15 years.

The central core dogma of the Watchtower is Jesus second coming (invisibly) in 1914 and is a lie.Jehovah's Witnesses are a spin-off of the man made Millerite movement of 1840.

A destructive cult of false teachings, that frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths (bogus blood transfusion ban).

Yes,you can 'check out anytime you want but you can never leave',because they can and will hold your family hostage.
The world has the Internet now,and there are tens of thousands of pages up from disgruntled ex-Jehovah's Witnesses like myself who have been abused by the Watchtower cult.

Jehovah's Witnesses are often a mouth that prays a hand that kills.The Watchtower is a truly Orwellian world.
Danny Haszard Jehovah's Witness X 33 years and 3rd generation

I would be absolutely opposed to restricting the right of JWs to go door to door and preach their ideas. Their beliefs are absurd, but the government has no authority to place any such restrictions on them.

Dan knows what he talking about; I was once in the Borg.

My father was visited by a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses one Fourth of July. They asked if he'd like to discuss the Bible, and he said: "Sure. Let's start at the beginning."

Then he started reciting the beginning of Genesis in Hebrew.

After a few verses, when their gaze had gone slack, he stopped.

"Oh. You read yours in translation?" Then he smiled and closed the door.

I haven't seen a Jehova in ages. I get a lot of Mormons though, and sometimes even on the phone.

I had one woman ask me "Are you sure you're an atheist? You seem so nice." LOL. She was so clueless about it, I think she actually thought that was a compliment.

Did you ever REALLY listen to what they (JWs) have to say??

I have, just as I've always listened to what other religions have to say. A few JW beliefs were new to me, but nothing much stranger than what millions of other people believe.

I used to work with a guy who was raised JW and still attended services, though I don't think he ever went door-to-door. We discussed his religion on several occasions. He thought I was damned, I thought he was deluded. We got along quite well, and everyone went away happy. :)

One of my best friends is a former minister in the JW's. He is now essentially a deist. The man knows the bible inside and out, up and down. He said he used to go door to door the whole thing. He built a large congregation. Then he noticed as he went door to door trying to convert folks that he had holes in his thoughts.

He eventually decided an honest man couldn't continue doing what he was doing so he left the group. It has really taken him some time to loosen the hold it had on him. His family and he don't discuss it and he tells me they would be required to shun him if they new all of what he now thinks.

His is a fascinating life story. It's difficult to truly grasp.

Having studied the bible for years and discussed it thoroughly with Catholic priests, Jewish Rabbis, Methodist, Lutheran ministers etc, when we discuss JW's I have never heard any negative except for the priest who complained about too many catholics leaving the faith to become JW. The Catholic church in my hometown went door to door once a year. I get the Baptists knocking on my door twice a year. But they told me they needed money for their church and I live in an expensive subdivision, hence the visit. I also work with Baptists and Pentacostals who don't celebrate bdays or the holidays. (Jesus did not celebrate bdays, there are two different examples in the bible) I had a Methodist minister tell me I was too smart for him and I should become a JW because they know the "truth". I had another Methodist refuse to talk to me because I knew more than he did and I would make him look bad.(I don't believe that I know more than him but I know my bible!) Personally I believe in the TRUTH of the bible and not what man has brainwashed all of us to believe. I believe blood is sacred like what it says in Levitcus about not taking it in, I do not believe in the Trinity teaching since I read in the encyclopedia about it being a teaching not based on the bible but created by man. I believe in God's original purpose for the earth, a paradise. I believe the righteous will inheirit the earth and the wicked will be wiped off. My old Catholic priest taught about Armageddon and how it will happen. I encourage all of you to read the bible and don't let the wolves out there lead you astray. JW's encourage bible reaading and thats all. A lutheran minister once told he told his flock not to read the bible because they would be confused from listening to him. He also readily admitted to telling lies to his congregation and telling them what they want to hear. (Like premarital sex is OK)He also said that 90% of his cong will burn in hell!) I'll get off my soapbox now.

Living in Arizona, I now get Jehovah's Witnesses AND Mormons. Given that I believe Christianity, Judasim, and Islam are all a crock of arrogant shyte based upon 3000 years of paternalistic hogwash, I don't tend to deal well with any of them. I had a mormon student try to convert me ... they didn't care for it much when I went through the "book" of Mormon (using book for an adjective I'd prefer to use). I tried to discuss the issues of legitimacy with the book of Mormon and reality ... wow ... I mean honestly, you have to do logical backflips and handstands to literally accept the Bible/OT/Torah/Koran, takes a 3 ring circus to go through the Book of Mormon and not (a' la how to lose a man in 10 days) cry "bullshyte!"

(Posted by: tina | July 13, 2006 08:54 PM) "Tina" above is a Jehovah's Witness apologist and the embellished posting is all fabrication.

They do this everywhere and it's why JW's get the door slammed in their face.It's scary to think for 33 years of my life i went door to door for theses Watchtower cult psychopaths.~Danny Haszard


I was involved with Jehovah's Witnesses for only one year, and that was thirty years ago.

I will never fully recover from the damage they did to me.

Say, if YOU have anything worthwhile to bring to MY door, come on in!!!! We welcome intelligent conversation with anyone who is interested in improving the planet, the city, the neighboorhood, family life, marriages, raising children, and improving our personalities. Bring it on!! But if all you want to do is weave a crown of thorns and jam it on our heads, well, you can do that, too. Then we'll know who is on who's side. Stop being afraid and have the guts to truly have a worthwhile conversation with us.

I look forward to being a Jehovah's Witness, I still have 1 problem to work through. Most of the people you will get commenting on Jehovah's Witnesses will be against them, I would urge you to actually talk to a Witness and make up your own mind to their sincerity of purpose.Danny is pityful.

At a glance the Jehovah's Witnesses have a profound pedophile cover-up because they "Bible thump" an obscure scriptural passage at 2.Corn 13:1 "..every matter requires TWO witnesses..".

The Church leaders require that there be " two witnesses" to a criminal act.

How many rapist permit a 'witness'?

Learn more on this outrage We will no longer be 'silent lambs'.

Danny Haszard..
U sound like a poor old bitter man..

seriously, wipe those eyes and come to your senses. you CHOSE to be a JW for 33 years. and you CHOSE not to be. get on with your life. If you went from door to door, you really believe, otherwise youre a stupid retard, for trying to convince people to believe in something you dont even believe yourself.. im cracking in laugh.. retard.. ahahahahahhaa

Fascinating post... Being raised RC, and an atheist since I reached the age of reason, I have had zero interaction with JW's. I had no idea they were so militant and stupid. I can't wait till I am accosted by these morons in the future! It should be a lot of fun as I scrape them off my shoe. Can't wait to meet roni, tina and Mortimer or their clones.