Music Review: Operation Mindcrime 2

I just got Queensryche's Operation Mindcrime 2, the long-awaited followup to their brilliant 1988 concept album of the same name. This will be a very short review: this album is so appallingly bad that after it finished I had to put on the original Operation Mindcrime to remind myself of how good it was. The follow up is absolutely terrible. There isn't a single decent song on it. Geoff Tate's voice, while not quite what it used to be, is still far better than most singers. The drumming is still top notch. But the guitar work, without Chris DeGarmo in the band, is far weaker and the songwriting is just awful. Avoid at all costs.

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Agreed, I couldn't even finish listening to it.

I didn't know you liked 'angry music', Ed!

I'll hook you up with some Balleric, my head banging chum!

By Rich Hughes (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

I like some of almost all kinds of music, Rich. If I had to list the 10 albums I'd take with me to a deserted island, the list would include James Taylor, Wynton Marsalis, Bob Seger and Rage Against The Machine.

I've been waiting to hear some feedback on this, since there was no way I was going to buy it blindly, knowing there was a roughly 90% chance it would be crap. Thanks for the information, now I know not to bother.

I still think the original is one of the most brilliant musical works ever created.

Which Rage album?