Classic Worldnutdaily Headline

One of the amusing things about the Worldnutdaily is that they always put scare quotes around the word 'gay'. Even funnier are headlines like this:

Savage Garden singer 'weds' homosexual boyfriend

Good choice, pal. If you'd wed your heterosexual boyfriend, that might have caused some confusion.

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You're ommitting the case where the Savage Garden singer is heterosexual and so they add the 'homosexual' modifier to make the distinction.

Or not. :)

I have several heterosexual boyfriends but I wouldn't marry any of them. My wife would be really upset about that. ;-)

Aside: My wife has several girlfriends -- we're both in our forties so "girl" is probably a misnomer (although one of my the girlfriends is named Miss Nomer) -- and she refers to them that way. She might say, "I was out with my girlfriends last Saturday." I would feel funny saying I was "out with my boyfriends" even though there's nothing inaccurate (or sexual) about the statement.

Pardon me whilst I grunt monosyllables and scratch something inappropriate. How 'bout them [sports team name]? ;-)

Did I miss the joke? The quotes are around the word 'wed' to show they don't agree with them being married. I'm not one to wanna stick up for the Nutjobs but in this case I fail to see what the funny part was.


The part that strikes me as funny is that they have to specify that he married his homosexual boyfriend - as if he would be marrying his heterosexual boyfriend.

Bah, stupid me! I was focusing too much on the quotes. I get it now. I'll just go back to bouncing my ball now...

... well, for all I know (knowing absolutely nothing about them), Savage Garden may have a female singer ... so I can see the need for clarification.

be well

By corvuscorax (not verified) on 20 Jul 2006 #permalink

It seems to me that it's only funny if you know that Savage Garden's singer is male. Which I didn't. Ed did. Now I do.

Maybe it'll be funny tomorrow.