Business Calls

I'll be out of town all morning on business, but I've got lots of bloggy goodness lined up and scheduled to post this morning. Enjoy.

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How could I have been so remiss? I totally forgot to plug a new blog carnival that I really should be plugging, given my area of scientific interest. Yes, indeed, it's a new edition of the Cancer Research Blog Carnival, with lots of scientific bloggy goodness to enjoy. Worse, I forgot to submit…
Just to give those of you who might care a heads-up, my blogging is likely to become somewhat sporadic over the next two-to-three months, mostly due to family commitments. We're moving again in early July. This time, it's a relatively short move - Pensacola to the Dothan, AL area, but there's…
I'll be gone the rest of the day with some old friends in town to talk business, eat BBQ (5 racks of ribs are in the smoker right now) and play poker. But in the meantime, here's an article for you to read. Richard Colling, chairman of the biology department at Olivet Nazarene University in…