Pimp Me New Blogs

Over at Cosmic Variance, Sean has a post highlighting some physics blogs that he's adding to the blogroll. Which reminds me that I've been remiss in updating my own links-- I've recently started reading Swans On Tea regularly, and he's got some great science content. Via Tom, I've also discovered Skulls in the Stars which mixes physics with pulp literature, and Physics and Physicists by ZapperZ, which is chock full of physics-y goodness.

All of this new-to-me bloggy activity drives home the fact that Mixed States, which I've relied on for most of my physics blog reading for a while now, is no longer being actively updated. Which means there are very likely all manner of good blogs out there that I haven't noticed.

So, consider this a blog recommendation open thread. I'm particularly interested in blogs about low-energy physics (we're well stocked up with cosmologists and particle physicists), but any kind of good blog is fair game. If you know a good blog that you haven't seen me mention here, leave a link in the comments, and I'll check it out for possible inclusion when I update the blogroll this weekend.

(Note: if you try to post more than a couple of links in a single comment, it may be held for moderation (or it may not-- the spam filter on ScienceBlogs passeth all understanding). If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it is not a symptom of this morning's technical unpleasantness-- I'll release it as soon as I get the chance.)


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