ADF Defends Street Preacher

Kansas City, KS, has dropped charges they filed against street preacher Michael Wheeler for preaching on a public sidewalk in May. He was represented by the Alliance Defense Fund, and rightly so. They will undoubtedly be applauded by the anti-ACLU crowd, as I think they should be, for defending religious freedom. Yet the ACLU has defended street preachers all over the nation in similar cases. Here are links to just a few:

New Mexico

The ACLU does the exact same thing the ADF does, yet Alan Sears of the ADF still accuses the ACLU of waging "a legal jihad against public expression of the Christian faith in America." Welcome to the world of delusion.


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The ADF leadership is not demented. They are too intelligent for that. Their quotes on the ACLU are carefully constructed to stoke the base... for more money. They know what they say isn't true; they just think the ends (money/power) justifies the means (lying).