Smirk? I Don't Smirk

A few weeks ago I stopped replying to Larry Fafarman and his constant screeds against me at his blog, mostly because with that whole impersonating his brother things it became clear that the man really is mentally ill and needs serious help. But I have to respond to this comment:

Here is what Ed -- who has added a smirking mugshot of himself to his blog -- said...

Smirk? That's not a smirk. That's as close as I generally get to a smile when someone aims a camera at me. For some reason, my mouth is crooked when I smile. But I wasn't smirking there, I was just getting my picture taken. I won't bother to reply to the rest of his idiotic post because, frankly, it's idiotic.

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Bill Ware: symbolizes how Ed has his back turned to the shining light of "the truth"?

One man's smirk, is another man's smile...

Actually, your twin brother is at:

Bottom line - Smirking at Larry is perfectly acceptable, everyone does it, he HAS to be used to it, so don't sweat it. If he doesn't like it get your Band of Brothers after him.

ps: Ditto the light bulb question!

That's typical paranoia -- he probably thinks you're smirking AT HIM, just like all those other jackbooted atheistic science thugs who are conspiring to persecute him.

He probably also thinks that light from your right ear is a Borg implant (mind-control rays?), since, as we all know, Darwinism makes the Holocaust and Borg assimilation morally acceptable.

I must say I am glad to see the picture - it makes this corner of cyberspace seem just a little friendlier.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 22 Aug 2006 #permalink

The explanation for the light behind me is that the picture was taken in a bar and I couldn't cut it out without having my face fill the entire box and that's a little creepy.

Looked to me like you were wasted. I got the feeling that you had a few too many scotches.

It looks a bit smirky to me, but my smile is tilted a few degrees too so I don't have room to talk.

A friend of mine is an amateur cartoonist so I had him do the picture for my blog. Looks better than any photograph of me.

mess wrote:

Looked to me like you were wasted. I got the feeling that you had a few too many scotches.

Nope, not the case. I drink only very rarely, and then hardly ever anything but wine. It has been probably 4 years since I had a mixed drink, and I don't like beer at all. I've never really been a drinker. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been drunk (the last time was about 10 years ago, when 7 of us ran up an $1800 bar tab at the Hyatt in downtown Louisville).

The fact that I rarely drink has caused some amusement in the past. Many years ago, when I was still living in the Kalamazoo area, my brother in law and I would go into a local bar to shoot darts. He was in AA and had been sober for years, and since I rarely drank we would just get a pitcher of coke to drink while we played. One day I went in there by myself and I ordered a vodka and the lady behind the bar got this horrified look on her face. "You're not falling off the wagon, are you?" I laughed and said, "I'm not on the wagon!" She said, "Well Phil is in AA and you always come in here with him and just order coke, so I assumed you were too." We had a good laugh about it. Poor woman, she thought she was going to ruin my life by serving me that drink.

I guess my post then says more about me than you. I am a drinker, but not a drunk. I do like scotch, wine, beer, and most everything else.

Thanks to Ray Spurlin for retouching my picture to take out the light behind me. But the non-smirk stays.

I like the pink light. It gives you exactly one rosy cheek. Like some kind of sardonic half-Santa. It also makes you look kinda tipsy, but only on the one side.

I like the pic. It gave me a feeling that I had finally a point of reference. Somehow, you look like I thought you would. I wouldn't call it a smirk, but I do think you look a little self-conscious. Same as I always do when I know my picture is being taken.

BTW - I couldn't wade through Farfromsane's post. I rarely can...

Well no, but I'm guessing Larry Fafarman would disagree. :)

when you cannot shoot down the message , aim for the messanger

By VicVanity (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

I'm tempted to use a variation on the old Winston Churchill line - "I may be fat, but you're stupid and loathsome. And I can always lose weight." But I'll resist doing so.

I'd find it hard to trust a skinny man's opinion on barbeque.

Paralepsis? Very good!