The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

Remember those prayers for rain in Lubbock, Texas? Well the Worldnutdaily says they worked, perhaps a little too well. Here's the picture from the article:


Confirmation bias? Nah, couldn't be.

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What a nice god. They need rain so he throws them a few drops to keep praising his name. Wonder if they'll get anywhere close to their average this year?

I like the moniker WorldNutDaily... Amazing! If only god answered everyone elses prayers, there would be no want in this world...

Once again, the religious right has failed to take into account Big Juju's outre sense of humor... What did they expect from the same Lord that brought them AIDS, War, and Pat Robertson?

I guess this is god's way of saying, "Shut up with the damn prayer requests for rain!"

Next time maybe they'll specify just exactly how much rain they need according to the requirements for each particular geographic area in question, plus have it rain some fancy gold doubloons as an extra special prayer bonus! Lesson learned!

I wonder how well their prayers will work when the Ogallalla aquifer runs dry in a couple of decades compelling the rendering intensive agriculture unsupportable.

From the article:

It's not the first time prayers for rain in Lubbock have met with good results. In January 2004, after a year of drought, the city and county set aside a Sunday to pray for rain and got the second-wettest year since records have been kept.

My question is, who's been praying for drought?

That's me. Sorry. My foundation is failing, I have to buy myself some time.

This is God's message to us, though. Drown the cars! Drown the cars!

Or... maybe somebody in TX should build a great big boat so we can... save the Christians, save the Christians!

I'll have to go check my Bible and see what it says exactly about this. I'm sure there's some rational explanation.

When the story first came out I looked up some of the records for the miraculous year of 2004. It seems that Lubbock had a major rain storm several days before the day of prayer. Evidently God not only answers prayers, He also anticipates them.

The problem with rain in Lubbock is that, being ridiculously flat, we don't have any drainage here. Any precipitation greater than a slow drizzle overwhelms the woefully inadequate drainage systems. The city is badly engineered in general and pretty much everything sucks here. Ironically, Texas Tech produces some great civil engineers, but it seems that only the bottom of the class sticks around to work for the city. Don't pray for rain in lubbock, pray that the wind keeps the stench of the feed lots away.

My only consolation is the fact that i leave at the end of this school year and don't ever plan on coming back.

I suppose it somehow stands to reason that if God is unaware of a town's need for rain until the citizenry hold an organized PrayerFest, he would also be oblivious to the exact amount of rain needed, unless specified, and just turn on the taps full bore until it looked really, really wet down there.