More Penis Pump Mischief

From Slovakia:

A Slovak driver who crashed into a bus shocked rescuers who found him unconscious and half naked with a vacuum pump on his penis.

Police said the 42-year-old man, driving an old Citroen in the Slovak town of Levice, had ignored a "give way" sign.

"It's very likely he had auto-sex while driving, it is a matter of investigation. After the accident he was found lying in the seat, his pants were off and it (the pump) was placed on his penis," police officer Peter Polak told Reuters.

If only he could get extradited to Oklahoma...

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These stories are just too much fun.

1. What a jerk!
2. Yet another reason to buy a hands free cell phone.

By Jim Ramsey (not verified) on 12 Sep 2006 #permalink