Les Kinsolving: The World's Nanny

Every once in a while you come across something so ridiculous that it makes you laugh out loud. For me, it usually happens while reading the Worldnutdaily. And this column by Les Kinsolving provides more than a few chuckles. He's got gays on the brain, you see, and it appears to be making him a bit paranoid. I love this line:

This latter article has no mention of what would happen to our armed forces recruiting if Don't-ask-don't-tell were abolished. Army recruits would be subject to the orders of sodomist sergeants in their barracks. Submariners would be under the orders of freely identified homosexually active chief petty officers.

Oh my god! Taking orders from a homosexual! The horror of it all! Doesn't this sound exactly like what some of the old racists said when Truman integrated the military? "No white man should ever be taken orders from a nigger." Well sorry, Goober, but you're gonna have to get used to it.

He then launches into this bizarre rant about some group in England called the Spanner Trust. I'll let him explain the origin of the name:

"The trust is named after the Spanner trial, which took place in 1990. This trial resulted in the conviction of 16 gay males for engaging in S&M, which included nailing their penises to boards."

Just think about that!

Sixteen allegedly sane homosexual sadomasochists found guilty of nailing their male sex organs to boards in Birmingham.

Hey, if those idiots want to nail their penii to a board, have at it; just leave my penis out of it.

I am compelled to wonder what these Spannerites do to other parts of their male sexual anatomy.

But why? As long as it's their anatomy and not yours, what business is it of yours? Why on earth do you care? I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would get a tattoo or pierce their flesh with anything, but I don't spend my time cruising the net looking for body mod sites so I can go "oh that's so gross". It has nothing to do with you, putz. Mind your own business.


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Les is not gay folks aren't "making" him paranoid, he's been nuts for years. I used to live in Baltimore and he had a radio show, I think it was WBL, and he had gays on the brain back them. Making the same arguments. Back then he was obsessed with NAMBLA; same kind of straw men and broad generalizations. If there is one gay who is criminal, then all are. Believe it or not this guy has White House Press credentials (or did within the last year or so). Like Gannon/Guckert his job is to lob softballs (pun intended) at the Pres. Of course, if a Dem is in office, his job is to ask embarrassing questions.

If I remember correctly, he once sued a pol in Baltimore for calling him "Lester the Molester." But my memory is a little hazy on this one.

A piece of work who demonstrates just how nuts the right can get without being held up to riducule by the MSM despite the regular display of lefty kooks being trod out regularly.



Sixteen allegedly sane homosexual sadomasochists found guilty of nailing their male sex organs to boards in Birmingham

Apparently he's not seen the movie or TV show "Jackass" - if the guys on that show only nailed their privates to a board they would be safer than the bizarre stunts they do try.

And the Spanner trial was one of the most ridiculous prosecutions ever - convicting men for consensual sexual acts. If that is the kind of country Les wants to live in, I think there's some cheap real estate in Saudi Arabia.

The trial also caused a massive backlash against state intrusion into people's sex lives. Apart from the likes of Mary Whitehouse, pretty much everyone took a "If that's what they want to do, let them" attitude.

By Ginger Yellow (not verified) on 24 Sep 2006 #permalink

Like Gannon/Guckert his job is to lob softballs (pun intended) at the Pres. Of course, if a Dem is in office, his job is to ask embarrassing questions.

Actually, Les's questions have been consistently tougher than anybody else's, even Helen Thomas's (who I think could be a lot more effective than she is). For instance he's repeatedly tried to get the White House to say whether Bush thinks contraception should be illegal. It's just that Les can't resist framing the questions in a bonkers manner, so McClellan/Snow can bat them away with a laugh.

By Ginger Yellow (not verified) on 24 Sep 2006 #permalink

I think I've worked out why these people have a problem with the idea of homosexuals in the military.

They don't (seem to) believe that soldiers should refuse unlawful orders.

If you take that and combine it with other things they seem to believe (To wit: "Gay people are immoral" and "Having gay sex even once under any circumstances will make you gay"), it's clear where the problem would be.

If a "sodomist sergeant" were to (illegally) order some private to engage in, well, sodomy, they would then assume said private would be compelled to agree - and thus become gay and immoral.

It makes perfect sense, if you accept their premises!

By Michael "Sotek… (not verified) on 24 Sep 2006 #permalink

Sixteen allegedly sane homosexual sadomasochists found guilty of nailing their male sex organs to boards in Birmingham

I missed that trial. Did the prosecution ask for a punishment of flogging after the conviction? Did the defense?

I've never read the worldnutdaily before it's great, I had to hurt myself to stop myself from laughing. How do these people dress themselves in the morning.

I know it's an unsupported generalization but everytime I encounter a homophobe in person, on the tube or in print, I have the strongest suspicion I'm watching a person who's very uncomfortable with his (or her in some cases) own sexuality. And the more virulent their demagoging the more I doubt they know who they are. Certainty is invariably a mask for uncertainty and an attempt to dispel the latter.

Hmm. As a woman who enlisted more than 30 years ago, I assumed there were homosexuals in the dorm. (Didn't you know all women in the miltary are either lesbians or whores?) I never worried about being hit on by a woman, and it never happened to me. Frankly, the ones who gave us the most trouble were the heterosexual men -- often married and often in a position of authority. But I suppose Les doesn't believe women belong in the military anyway.

Ah, Mary Whitehouse.
She who so tarnished my family name. Ha ha, charade you are.
Good thing she was only a Whitehouse by marriage.
Let's hope that future Senator Sheldon Whitehouse makes up for it.

Still, I'm glad the family left Birmingham after reading the above!

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 24 Sep 2006 #permalink

"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"?

At least these people are good about removing all doubt.