Ohio and Michigan Newspapers on ID

With the ongoing campaigns in Ohio and Michigan, more and more newspapers are weighing in on the issue of ID in public schools. In Ohio, the Cincinatti Enquirer has an op-ed piece urging readers to vote for "fair-minded, pragmatic members" so that the school board can leave creationism behind and deal with more substantive issues. The Toledo Blade, meanwhile, is jumping in to the Michigan elections (being a border city, they've got many readers in Michigan) with an editorial slamming Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos for his support of ID creationism in public schools. In Michigan, several papers have reacted very strongly to DeVos' statements in support of ID and written editorials condemning the idea. They include the Detroit Free Press, the Livingston Daily Press, the Midland Morning Sun and the Lansing State Journal.

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Query: Are there papers on the other side Ed? If so, what are they saying?

By dogmeatIB (not verified) on 25 Sep 2006 #permalink

I've not seen any newspaper endorse ID so far. If any paper would, it would be the Detroit News or the Grand Rapids Press.

Here's a Pro-ID Article from the Oakland Press.

Actually, I guess that's about as positive as one can spin it. "Intelligent Design? Come on, it's not that important of an issue. So vote for the guy who endorses it."

Also, looks like Michigan Citizens for Science is being characterized as an "anonymous political group."

Oh, thanks for that link. I hadn't seen that. It's begging for a reply, which I'll be happy to write on our behalf.

..."An anonymous political group". That actually sounds awesome! I want to start one.

Considering the rather looney conservatism of Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Enquirer (last time I looked at it), I'm surprised that they would publish such an op-ed piece.

Gerry L -

Beverly Hills is a village in Oakland County, sandwiched between Birmingham and Southfield. Just FYI.

Getting back on topic, it seems to me this could really kill DeVos in the old Republican heartland of Birmingham/Bloomfield and surrounding towns. The area isn't as Republican as it used to be in any event, and I think it has some nominal Republicans who will be sufficiently turned off by this kind of know-nothingism to actually fill in the oval for Granholm.

Of course, it probably will thrill the new Republican heartland around GR and Holland, so I have no idea how it will all shake out.

Hey! Don't trash the 'Nati. :P

I was raised in Cincinnati, and my parents still live there. I left Cincinnati for a reason.

Checked out the Oakland Press editorial. Whoever wrote is clueless. Funny it should mention schools at the end - isn't setting solid science standards a significant part of the "schools" agenda?

DeVos' embrace of ID may seem like a side show to the editor, but to me it shows that he's cut from the same cloth as Santorum, Frist, W and the rest of the right wing hacks. What other areas of science and technology is Devos willing to spin for political advantage?

By ZacharySmith (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink