Off to the Racetrack

Today should be fun. I'm going to watch my dad drive a race car at 170 miles per hour or so. It's a birthday gift that he's really excited about. So I'll be gone most of the day for that. See ya on the flipside.

Update: Sadly, we drove two hours down there and it was rained out and had to be rescheduled for next May. Very irritating.

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Oh man, my respect for you (well, your dad, actually) has skyrocketed! Racing is the coolest and most intellectual of all sports/games. Studies show that it is at least 42% cooler than poker.

At what track will he be driving, and what type of car? 170 mph sounds like it must be a super-speedway--I'm guessing it'll be at Michigan International Speedway?

I gather he is not racing but doing something like the "Richard Petty Driving Experience"? I need to suggest to my kids when they are a bit older what a great gift that would be for their dad.

Yes, it's the Richard Petty Experience. Unfortunately, it was rained out and they had to reschedule for next May. Very disappointing. None of us are racing fans, he just wants to drive really fast. I've never found racing the least bit interesting, despite having a cousin who was an Indy driver (Scott Brayton, who died in a practice run at the Indy 500 about a decade ago).