O'Reilly Wants to Blow Up Bloggers

ThinkProgress reports on O'Reilly's complaints about the blogosphere recently. After commenting that knows "for a fact" that "President Bush doesn't know what's going on in the Internet", and complaining about bloggers attacking people, he said:

I think - I have to say President Bush has a much healthier attitude toward this than I do. Because if I can get away with it, boy, I'd go in with a hand grenade.

Good thing you can't get away with it, Billy boy. That little thing called the constitution gets in the way. At least I think it does. Do we still have a constitution, or did Bush issue a signing statement reserving the right to ignore any constitutional provision that gets in the way of those provisions he likes?

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Well, I guess someone has to try and fill Father Coughlin's shoes.

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 21 Oct 2006 #permalink

O'Reilly is so typical of conservative blowhards who talk all big about being tough guys, all gung-ho to bomb anybody (San Francisco, bloggers) they don't like, but I'll bet he's never served in the military, and if you set him down in Bagdhad with a rifle he'd immediately fill his pants and start crying like a baby left alone in a shopping mall.

He's nothing more than a screaming moron.

And I'll bet the chick on Ugly Betty could kick his ass. After all, she's from Queens, and he's from some Nancy Boy neighborhood even though he pretends to be from the hood.


Gosh, does O'Reilly feel threatened by the blogosphere intruding onto his personal fiefdom of public-space ranting? Or is it just by people who disagree with him?

I think - I have to say President Bush has a much healthier attitude toward this than I do. Because if I can get away with it, boy, I'd go in with a hand grenade.

I don't get it. "Go in with a hand grenade." In where? The 'blogosphere?' Go into the internet? With a hand grenade?

You know, this isn't really quite so outrageous, once you realize he must mean that he wants to post online messages with those little cartoon attachments that move, whatever they're called, like the smiley-faces that laugh or wink and give "personality." Only this one would be a small hand-grenade which goes "ka-boom!ka-boom!" over and over. It's really kind of cute.

Go into the internet? With a hand grenade?

Well, the internet is a series of tubes, after all...

Let's hope that when everyone's favorite "Culture Warrior" says, "I'd go in with a hand grenade", he means with the pin pulled and martyrdom on his mind- a martydom of 72 subordinate professional females equipped with falafel, loofahs, and hands-free telephones.

Dr. Mr O'Reilly,

May I have the office chair from your set? I'll bet it's really comfortable, but it doesn't seem to be something you need since you spend so much time hoisted up on your cross.



"a martydom of 72 subordinate professional females equipped with falafel, loofahs, and hands-free telephones."

Poor Bill... just wait till he finds out they all look like Ann Coulter.

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 21 Oct 2006 #permalink