Orac Shreds Chopra

I have a confession to make: I have a passionate hatred for Deepak Chopra. I think the man is a complete and utter fraud. So I'm always glad to see people give him the thorough reeming he deserves so much. Orac has a good one here. Chopra is someone whose funeral I would actually protest outside of. The guy has spent a lifetime telling people that their "quantum power" can allow them to live forever. When he dies, a few signs calling him a fraud seems pretty reasonable to me. And perhaps the millions he has earned fleecing the credulous can be put to some good use.

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Chopra is someone whose funeral I would actually protest outside of.

I'd pour a glass of whiskey on the grave, after filterin' it through me kidneys.

Deepak Chopra and his ilk may be (loosely) termed the "Spiritual Left's" answer to the Religious Right's Creationism. It's another attempt to merge science and religion by claiming that "materialistic mainstream scientists" aren't as open, informed, and downright scientific as people who aren't afraid to let ALL of reality inform our science theories, and bring in the supernatural truths.

What "confession?" I'm not at all surprised you don't like Chopra. Bad science is bad science, and the smugness and self-righteousness seems to be the same whether we're dealing with New Age or Fundamentalist.

I can't stand this touchy-feely mishmash of science and new agism either.
Anyone see that ridiculous "What the bleep do we know?"

I concur. Chopra is a fraud, and an idiot. Exhibits A and B:



He's made millions selling people lies. Fundamentally, what he does is no different than what evangelical Christians do, he just presents it in wishy-washy, feel-good rhetoric that appeals to more progressive, even secular people.

Deepak Chopra will never "die" -- when his biological processes stop functioning, he will "move to a higher plane of existence" or "become one with the universe through the quantization of his conscious essence." (My bet is on the latter)