ADF Speak With Forked Tongue

Okay, this is absolutely hilarious. Matt Bowman, writing on the ADF blog about the New Jersey ruling, says this:

Homosexual activists are already exploiting this holding to confuse the public and portray themselves as victims, lamenting that the court "reject[ed] gay marriage." If this is what homosexual activists consider a rejection of same-sex marriage, just wait until they implement the rest of their agenda and see if you can recognize the society that results.

But wait...less than 24 hours ago, the ADF put out a press release declaring NJ high court hands loss to marriage opponents. So who exactly is confusing the public? Seriously, these guys need to get their act together and get on message. They're looking like buffoons. "This is a major loss for the other side. And can you believe the other side is dishonestly claiming this is a loss for them? It's an outrage." Hilarious.

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They're looking like buffoons.

In this instance, appearances are not deceiving. :)

I guess the ADF is afraid that the Homosexual Agenda will force them to do something other than "speak" with their forked tongue...

I never really understood the bizarre spin that asking for equal protection under the law is somehow seeking 'special' status.

Surely even wingnuts are now equally free to seek out and have sex (and a legally recognized monogamous relationship) with someone of their own gender in NJ. So what do they mean 'special'?

They are buffoons. And so are a lot of their affiliated attorneys.

Case in point: They represented my ex in a divorce case taking place in another state. The attorney cross-examines me: "So, you claim that you can't afford to pay support; but I noted you drove into the courthouse parking garage in a brand new shiny blue car! Hmmmm?"

Me: "It is a rental."

Him: "Oh."

What a Maroon.

If you don't mind me asking, why was the ADF involving itself in a divorce case?

I gather it wasn't the ADF itself....just a lawyer connected with and working for the ADF.

Same thing. Their affiliated attorneys are the ones that do most of the low level work.

They were involved in my case because I'm lesbian and kids were involved. Custodial parent was fundy. A chance to establish precedence and take all sorts of gay people's kids away. Not sucessful in doing so.

They were involved in my case because I'm lesbian and kids were involved. Custodial parent was fundy. A chance to establish precedence and take all sorts of gay people's kids away. Not sucessful in doing so.


Um, pardon me....

You really nailed them this time Big Boy! To think, two different people who work at the same organization have a slightly different opinion on a subject. Outrageous! Keep exposing the fact that ADF attorneys don't always "stay on message" and actually have original thoughts. Glen Lavy and Matt Bowman should both be ashamed, very ashamed.

Can you believe that the ADF blog even has the audacity to include THIS message on the home page:

"This publication is a resource of the Alliance Defense Fund.⢠It reports information relevant to ADF's purpose. All content posted to this Blog, including but not limited to comments, represent a diversity of opinions."

I can't believe they are trying to get away with this! Go get 'em Big Ed!

By Chet Lemon (not verified) on 27 Oct 2006 #permalink

OK, someone please tell me where I can get a copy of The Gay Agenda. I checked my local library and, even here in Virginia, they don't have a copy. I can't find it at Barnes & Noble or Walden Books. Hmm, maybe Walmart is going to carry it. Maybe only fundies have a copy. If they do, I wish they would let the rest of us read it. It should be on the same shelf as that other well known agenda, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.